Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm pretty annoyed right now. It's like all of my friends are drifting away from me (the whopping like, 3 that I have) and... ugh. I don't know. I guess it's partially my fault. I see it start to happen and I just say fuck it, if it's going to happen then it's going to happen.

I mean this has only happened to me about... oh, let's see, 4 times. I've gotten to where I'm just like well god damnit, here we go again.

This happens, I know. It's a part of life. People drift apart and meet new people. However, I'm faced with this problem. You see, for most people, as they lose friends they're gaining new ones as well. I'm just losing them. Pretty soon I'll have none left. Honestly. You know who I talk to AT LEAST once a week no matter what?

It used to be CJ, Lorrie, Heidi, Chris, Haileigh... now it's just Chris. And he's my boyfriend, so that's a given.

I really think that by the end of this year he may be the only friend I have left. Let's hope he never leaves me, eh?

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